MySQL Database Class

Written by @m_k_amin 20 November 2012

Are you confused with SQL commands and their structures? This script makes your work easy. The important commands of MySQL database are included in a class and the only thing that you need is to call the functions. All functions usages are introduced with an example at top (before the class starts). It connects to a database server, selects or creates a database, creates a table, insert data into it, show the records with filtering ability, delete a record, the table and the database. That's All! Enjoy

Code Snippet:

                                                <!-- this script is provided by coded by: Kerixa Inc. -->
<!-- This Script is from, Coded by: Kerixa Inc-->
$sql=new MySQL;
			$sql->Initialize("localhost","root","");//// Enter Your Database connection information here.
$res=$sql->Connect(); if (!$res) die(mysql_error());
if (!$res){
	$res=$sql->CreateDB('info'); if (!$res) die(mysql_error());
	$res=$sql->SelectDB('info'); if (!$res) die(mysql_error());
	$res=$sql->CreateTable('students',$fld); if (!$res) die(mysql_error());
$res=$sql->Insert('students',$val); if (!$res) die(mysql_error());
$res=$sql->Insert('students',$val); if (!$res) die(mysql_error());
$res=$sql->Get('students',$wh); if (!$res) die(mysql_error());
$res=$sql->DeleteRecord('students',$wh); if (!$res) die(mysql_error());
$res=$sql->DeleteTable('students');if (!$res) die(mysql_error());
$res=$sql->DeleteDB('info');if (!$res) die(mysql_error());

//The class starts here
class MySQL{
	public $user, $pass, $host, $link;
	public function Initialize($HostName,$UserName,$Password){
		return true;}
	public function Connect(){
		$this->link=@mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass);
		if(!$this->link) return false; else	return true;}
	public function SelectDB($dbname){
		if(!$result) return false;else return true;}
	public function CreateDB($dbname){
		$sql= "CREATE DATABASE $dbname";
		$result=mysql_query ($sql, $this->link);
		if(!$result) return false;else return true;}
	public function DeleteDB($dbname){
		$sql = "DROP DATABASE $dbname";
		$result=mysql_query ($sql, $this->link);
		if(!$result) return false;else return true;}
	public function CreateTable($name,$fields){ //$field[name]=type
		foreach ($fields as $fname=>$ftype)
			$str.="`$fname` $ftype NOT NULL ,";
		$sql = "CREATE TABLE `$name` ($str
			) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
		$result=mysql_query ($sql, $this->link);
		if(!$result) return false;else return true;}
	public function DeleteTable($name){
		$sql="DROP TABLE $name";
		$result=mysql_query ($sql, $this->link);
		if(!$result) return false;else return true;}	
	public function Insert($tblname,$values){ //$values[fieldname]=fieldvalue
		foreach ($values as $fname=>$fval){
		$sql="INSERT INTO $tblname($str1)VALUES($str2)";
		$result=mysql_query ($sql, $this->link);
		if(!$result) return false;else return true;}
	public function Get($tblname,$where){ //$where[fieldname]=fieldvalue{
		if ($where!=''){
			foreach ($where as $fname=>$fval)
				$str.="$fname='$fval' AND ";
			$str="WHERE $str";}
		$sql="SELECT * FROM $tblname $str";
		if(!$result) return false;
		    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
				for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_fields($result); $i++) {
					//echo $row['Name'];
			 		$res[$cnt]["$fln"]= $row["$fln"];
		return $res;
	public function DeleteRecord($tblname,$where){ //$where[fieldname]=fieldvalue
		if ($where!=''){
			foreach ($where as $fname=>$fval)
				$str.="`$tblname`.`$fname`='$fval' AND ";
			$str="WHERE $str";}else return false;
		$sql="DELETE FROM `$tblname` $str";
		if(!$result) return false;else return true;}
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